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E-mail Setup

Click the mail program below to setup your email account. The examples only apply to CLGW.net email accounts. Yahoo, MSN, and other email providers will have different requirements for setting up email for them.

Your instructions will appear here.

Setting Outlook Express

1.) Open Outlook Express by clicking on your Start button, Programs, and Outlook Express.

2.) Click on the Tools.

3.) Click on Accounts. . .

4.) Click on the Add button, and select Mail. . .

5.) Type your full name in the box next to Display name.

6.) Type your clgw.net email address in the box next to E-mail address..

7.) For both Incoming mail and Outgoing mail, type mail.clgw.net.

8. Next put in your account name in the box beside Account Name

Example johndoe@clgw.net = johndoe for account name

9.) Type the password that you have provided with CLGW in the box next to Password.

Now you have successfully added an email address to Outlook Express

Setting up Microsoft Outlook 2003

1.) Open Microsoft Outlook 2003 by clicking on your Start button, Programs, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Outlook.

2.) Click on the Tools menu.

3.) Click on E-mail Accounts. . .

4.) Select Add a new e-mail account, and click Next.

5.) Select POP3 as your Server Type and click Next.

6.) Type in your full name in the box next to Your Name.

7.) Type your clgw.net email address in the box next to E-mail Address.

8.) For both your Incoming mail server and Outgoing mail server, type mail.clgw.net.

9.) In the box next to Password, type the password that you have provided with CLGW and click next.

10.) Click the Finish button.

11.) To intiate the receiving of your email, click the Send/Receive button.

Now you have successfully added an email address to Microsoft Outlook 2003

Setting up Microsoft Outlook 2010

1.) Open Microsoft Outlook 2010 by clicking on your Start button, Programs, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Outlook.

2.) Click on the Tools menu.

3.) Click on E-mail Accounts. . .

4.) Select Add a new e-mail account, and click Next.

5.) Select POP3 as your Server Type and click Next.

6.) Type in your full name in the box next to Your Name.

7.) Type your clgw.net email address in the box next to E-mail Address.

8.) For both your Incoming mail server and Outgoing mail server, type mail.clgw.net.

9.) In the box next to Password, type the password that you have provided with CLGW and click next.

10.) Click the Finish button.

11.) To intiate the receiving of your email, click the Send/Receive button.

Now you have successfully added an email address to Microsoft Outlook

Setting up Windows Mail

1.) Open Windows Mail by clicking on your Start button, All Programs, Windows Mail.

2.) Click on the Tools menu then on Accounts. . .

3.) Click on Add.

4.) Select Add a new E-mail Account, and click Next.

5.) In the box next to Display Name type the display name you want to use then click Next.

6.) In the box next to E-mail address type your Email Address click Next.

7.) In the Incomiing mail server box type mail.clgw.net and in the Outgoing mail server box type mail.clgw.net.

8.) In the E-mail username box type your username and your password in the box next to Password and click Next

Example johndoe@clgw.net = johndoe for E-mail username

And now click Finish.

Now you have successfully added an email address to Windows Mail.

Setting up Windows Live Mail

1.) Open Windows Live Mail by clicking on your Start button,All Programs, and Windows Live Mail.

2.) Then click on Accounts.

3.) Click on E-mail. . .

4.) Now fill in you Email Address, Password and Display Name and click Next.

5.) You will need to supply the Server address for both Incoming and Outgoing Server Address and it will be mail.clgw.net. and click Next.

6.) Now click Finish.

Now you have successfully added an email address to Windows Live Mail.

Setting up your iPhone

1.) If this is the first account you're setting up on the iPhone, select Mail. Otherwise, from the Home screen choose Settings

2.) Then select Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

3.) Then select Add Account

4.) Choose your email account type. For setting up email to work with your CLGW service choose Other

5.) Select Add Mail Account.

6.) Next enter your account information. Then select Next.

7.) Select the button tha says POP. And fill in the missing information.

On the next screen enter your CLGW account details, including the following.

(example if your email address was johndoe@clgw.net use johndoe for username)

  • Incoming Mail Server (POP3)
  • Host Name: mail.clgw.net
  • User Name: johndoe
  • Password: your password
  • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
  • Host Name: mail.clgw.net 
  • User Name: johndoe (your username)
  • Password: your password

8.) Select Save to save information. When prompted "Do you want to try setting up the account without SSL?"Select NO

9.) Then select Save. And then Save again.

Now you have successfully added an email address to you iPhone.

Any other question please visit http://www.apple.com/iPhone/

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