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Our Mission is to Provide the

Best Possible Service at the Lowest Possible Price.

Our Mission is to Provide the Best Possible Service at the Lowest Possible Price.

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Missouri One Call
Fiber to the Home

Know What's Below. Call Before You Dig.

Are you planning on excavating? Maybe you want to plant some flowers or put in a garden?
If so, you need to have your underground facilities marked.

Missouri law requires that any person who plans to make any type of excavation must notify the Missouri 1-Call System at least three (3) but not more than ten (10) working days in advance of the project, except in the case of an emergency.

Simply call 1-800-DIG-RITE (800-344-7483) or 811, or place your request online at this link.

Qualified representatives from all local utilities will respond to your request and mark the approximate location of their facilities within three (3) working days.The utilities will mark the facilities that they own, usually up to the meter. You can then proceed with your excavation avoiding damages.

A little planning before you begin your dig can help save you and the utility companies a lot of headache and money.

The preceeding information was taken from mo1call.com
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